The ready-for-connection compact hydraulic power pack can be used in applications where consumers with a low oil volume requirement have to be connected in intermittent operation (S 3), e.g. in machine tool and jig construction, or in general machine engineering.
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The power pack consists of the housing (tank) with integrated motor and pump. The filling gauge on HC(W) size 2, 3 and 4 types enables the fluid level to be controlled even during operation. The electrical connections are made via an integrated terminal box. Compact control systems can be created by mounting various combinations of connection blocks and valve banks. Float switches and temperature switches are optionally available for perfect monitoring.
Features and benefits:
■ Wide range of application achieved with four sizes
■ Direct current version for voltage supply with 12 V DC or 24 V DC
■ Long service life and excellent reliability achieved by using
radial piston pumps
■ Low oil fill volumes make it environmentally sound thanks to the small
amount of oil to be disposed of and the low costs for hydraulic fluid
■ Co-ordinated range of valves and accessories from modular system
■ Suitable for vertical and horizontal installation
Intended applications:
■ Brake and rotor adjustment modules on wind turbines
■ Tracking systems on solar panels and parabolic aerials
■ Clamping systems on machine tools and jigs
■ Rivets and clinching equipment
■ Welding robots
■ Lubrication systems
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