Bloc Distribuitor Cetop BA


Bloc Distribuitor Cetop BA

Thanks to the identical flange pattern of type BA sub-plates, they can be combined
very flexibly with type A.. connection blocks. On the pump side, this enables direct
mounting (without intermediate plate) to the connection blocks of the compact
hydraulic power packs.

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 Directional seated valve banks and directional spool valve banks (e.g. type BWN, BWH, BVH, VB, BVZP, SWR, SWP and SWS) can be flanged to the valve section side. Valves and intermediate plates with standard connection patterns (type NSMD2, NSWP2, NBVP16, NBMD16, NG..-1, NZP16) can be mounted individually.
Additional functions for the pump or consumer side (e.g. throttle and throttle check valve, pressure-reducing valve or pressure switch) enable flexible adaptation to changing operating conditions. Hydraulic clamping systems (e.g. in machine tools) with the associated wide range of requirements are the typical application areas.



Features and benefits:
■ Sub-plates for flexible combination with directional valve types with NG6 (CETOP) standard connection pattern
■ Valve bank can be flanged directly to the connection block of a compact hydraulic power pack or connected as a separately arranged valve bank for pipe connection
■ Pressure switches and/or any other monitoring elements can be connected directly
■ Additional elements, such as orifices, throttles and check valves for P, R, A and B connections can be integrated
■ Diaphragm accumulator can be mounted directly

Intended applications:
■ Clamping systems on machine tools and equipment
■ Process control on deforming machine tools
■ Brake and rotor adjustment modules on wind turbines

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