Cartele de Comanda pentru Electromagneti Proportionali EV

hawe-ev hawe-ev1d hawe-ev1d
hawe-ev hawe-ev1d hawe-ev1d

Cartele de Comanda pentru Electromagneti Proportionali EV

A range of electronic accessory components is available in various versions for the control of common on/off and proportional solenoids.

Prezentare Generala Descarca Vizualizeaza Accesorii Electronice Descarca Vizualizeaza Hawe EV1D Descarca Vizualizeaza Hawe EV1G1 Descarca Vizualizeaza Hawe EV22K2 Descarca Vizualizeaza Hawe EV1M3 Descarca Vizualizeaza

These include electronic amplifiers in the form of modules and cards and versions integrated in the plug for single and twin solenoids, as well as for pressure switches. A power supply unit for 24V DC solenoid valves is also available. All of these components are tailored to HAWE solenoid valves.

Features and benefits:
■ Compact design
■ Functions tailored to HAWE products


Intended applications:
■ For control of all types of proportional valves
■ Plug for visual operation control, prolonging the service life of the solenoid etc.

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