Supapa de Umplere Hawe F


Supapa de Umplere Hawe F

Check valves and pre-fill valves type F are check valves. They are designed as springloaded disc seat valves. The check valves type F enable free flow in one direction and block flow in the opposite direction.

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As a pre-fill valve (check valve with hydraulic release), they are used for example in top ram presses for draining and replenishing press cylinders during opening and closing in rapid traverse mode.
The smaller sizes may be optionally equipped with a pre-release device (decompression at high pressures via the valve) to prevent decompression surges.

Features and benefits:
■ Wafer design
■ Extremely large flows, up to 7000 lpm


Intended applications:
■ Press control systems
■ Injection moulding machines

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