Rodless cylinders, magnetic as standard.
Cylinders with direct power transmission through the tube slot onto the yoke.
The new cushionings are adjustable at both ends; the flow rate is regulated from 0 to 100% by turning a pin of an angle of 90°.
The new barrel is provided with grooves for fixing various accessories.
The magnetic reed switches are fixed by a bracket.
The side carriage (which can also be installed at a later date) is adjustable and this allows to use the cylinder with heavier loads; the guide moves by Teflon slides, fixed in the grooves of the tube. The short guided cylinders type S5, in comparison to the standard cylinder - 0 - stroke, is up to 42% shorter; the total fitting length is therefore reduced and the cylinder is more compact and money-saving.
How to order: 50 / 1000 S6
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